This document specifies an NTS-KE record for negotiation of an RFC-8915-compliant NTS key exporter context for the AES-128-GCM-SIV AEAD.


In chrony version 4.0 was added support for the Network Time Security (NTS) authentication mechanism. The AEAD algorithm used by NTS for encryption and authentication of NTP messages is negotiated between the client and server in NTS-KE. The only AEAD that chrony initially supported was AES-SIV-CMAC-256.

In version 4.4 was added support for the AES-128-GCM-SIV AEAD. The main advantage of this AEAD are shorter keys, which makes the NTS cookies and NTS-protected messages shorter. Delivery of shorter NTP messages is more reliable over Internet, where some major network operators are known to block or limit rate of longer NTP packets as a mitigation against NTP mode-6 and mode-7 amplification attacks.

The AES-128-GCM-SIV support has a bug. The second two octets of the NTS key exporter context do not follow the section 5.1 of RFC 8915. The value that is included in the context is 15 (AES-SIV-CMAC-256) instead of 30 (AES-128-GCM-SIV). This bug prevents interoperation with NTS implementations correctly following RFC 8915, in both server-client and client-server directions.

When this document was written, chrony was the only known implementation supporting AES-128-GCM-SIV. The bug can easily be fixed, but all clients and servers would need be updated at the same time to avoid disruptions.

Instead, a new NTS-KE record is introduced to enable a gradual migration to the compliant context. The expectation is that chrony and other implementations that want to interoperate with chrony will default to the noncompliant context until all servers and clients can negotiate the compliant context with the new NTS-KE record. At that point, the default can be switched to the compliant context. When everything defaults to the compliant context, the NTS-KE record can be deprecated.

Compliant AES-128-GCM-SIV Exporter Context

The Compliant AES-128-GCM-SIV Exporter Context NTS-KE record negotiates the use of the compliant exporter context for the AES-128-GCM-SIV AEAD. The Record Type number is 1024. The body MUST be empty. The critical bit MUST NOT be set for this record.

An NTS client which supports the Compliant AES-128-GCM-SIV Exporter Context record SHOULD add it to every NTS-KE request which includes AES-128-GCM-SIV in the AEAD Algorithm Negotiation NTS-KE record.

If a server which supports the Compliant AES-128-GCM-SIV Exporter Context record receives a request containing this record and selects the AES-128-GCM-SIV AEAD, it MUST include this record in its response and use the compliant exporter context to generate the NTS keys used for this client. It the server selects a different AEAD algorithm, it MUST NOT include this record in the NTS-KE response.

If the client receives an NTS-KE response containing this record, it MUST use the compliant exporter context to generate the NTS keys.

If the NTS-KE request or response does not contain this record, the server and client SHOULD use the noncompliant exporter context corresponding to the AES-SIV-CMAC-256 AEAD until all servers and clients in use negotiate the compliant context with this record.

The client MAY switch between the two exporter contexts if all responses received from the server after an NTS-KE session are NTS NAK in order to interoperate with servers that use the compliant context, but do not support this NTS-KE record. The server MUST NOT provide in one NTS-KE response a set of cookies mixing the two exporter contexts to not interfere with the client-side switching of the context. The server MAY include both sets of keys using the different contexts in one cookie in order to detect which context is used by the client and send a response which will pass the client’s authentication check.


This workaround for the chrony bug was suggested by Daniel Franke.